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Vetericyn Plus Antimicrobial Ear Rinse All Pets

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Vetericyn Plus® Ear Rinse is an easy way to remove foreign materials from the ear, help alleviate irritations, and keep the ear clean. Ear infections are one of the leading causes for veterinary visits. Vetericyn Plus® Ear Rinse is an easy way to remove foreign materials from the ear, help alleviate irritations, and keep the ear clean. Whether it’s for routine maintenance, cleaning after an outdoor adventure or to help with itching and discharge, Vetericyn Plus® All Animal Ear Rinse will provide relief and help reduce the chances of ear issues. FEATURES Helps reduce ear odors Relieves itching and irritation in ears Helps remove pollutants and foreign material Helps clean discharge or buildup in the ear Will not sting or burn Non-irritating & promotes healthy tissue Non-toxic, safe if licked or ingested Safe for all animal skin types at all life stages No alcohol, steroids or antibiotics USES Preventative care Flushing Cleaning & care for irritated ears Daily ear maintenance Reducing ear odors

Key Benefits

-Flush Dirt & Debris,
-Clean & Remove Tear Stains,
-Relieve Allergy Symptoms,
-Routine Cleaning Of Sensitive Eyes
brand Vetericyn
breed size Small Breed,Medium Breed and Large Breed
instructions Move excess hair from affected area. Clip if necessary. Adjust dropper nozzle. Saturate the affected area on or in the ear with Vetericyn Plusu00ae Ear Rinse. If dressing is required; saturate dressing with Vetericyn Plusu00ae at each dressing change. Repeat 3-4 times per day until wound is healed. No rinsing necessary. Faster healing is achieved when wounds are cleaned and maintained moist. Safe for use around mouth; nose; ears and eyes. Not for inner ear infections. For daily maintenance; apply in and around ear with a massaging action once per day or as needed. Great for use after outdoor activities.
life stage Adult
packaging type Bottle
product from Cleanser



Active: Hypochlorous Acid (0.009%)
Inactive: Electrolyzed Water; Sodium Chloride; Phosphates; Sodium Hypochlorite